Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is Generation Slave?

Which generation are you part of? Wikipedia has a nice article listing some well-known terms for different generations in the western world (mostly in the USA):

So how do you know if you are part of Generation Slave?

  • If you're part of Generation X, Y, or Z you're probably in Generation Slave.
  • If you can't afford a house because of high but declining real estate prices, you're part of Generation Slave. 
  • If your parents and/or grandparents enjoyed cheap but increasing real estate prices, you may be part of Generation Slave.
  • If you've lost more than you've made by owning real estate, you're part of Generation Slave.
  • If you owe more on your house (or other real estate) than you could sell it for, you might be part of Generation Slave. If you're made all sorts of money on appreciating real estate and unwise leverage caused your current up-side-down situation, then you may or may not be part of Generation Slave, but you tried to make money without working in order to enslave Generation Slave.
  • If you have no chance of getting back the Social Security "savings" that you are forced to set aside, you are part of Generation Slave.
  • If you have decades left before any hope for retirement or benefiting from senior welfare programs, and you know that increasing public debt and spending will require you to pay taxes that will only benefit others, and that you'll be paying taxes to pay off current benefits long after those benefits have dried up, then you are part of Generation Slave.
  • If you have little hope of a comfortable home life with marriage and family because of debt and/or taxes, you are part of Generation Slave.
  • If your college education cost more than any job opportunity (no matter how unpleasant) will enable you to repay, you're part of Generation Slave.

Government programs have interfered, and are interfering, with every aspect of life and are the direct cause of all of these problems that are the chains binding we who are Generation Slave.

How do you know if you are part of the cause of Generation Slave?

  •  If your net worth increased through mere ownership of real estate, or if you lived off the proceeds of real estate appreciation while others worked to meet your needs, then you are part of the cause of Generation Slave.
  • If you have gotten, or will get, more in Social Security benefits than you paid in, then you are part of the cause of Generation Slave.
  • If you have benefited from government welfare (personal or corporate) programs more than you paid in, your are part of the cause of Generation Slave.
  • If you benefit from the $7 Trillion per year in government spending instead of competing in a free marketplace, then you are part of the cause of Generation Slave.
  • If you create, support, or enforce theft by government from those who work to pay for people who do not work, or who work only to leach from the system and don't produce anything anyone would voluntarily pay for, you are part of the cause of Generation Slave.

If any of this describes you then understand that you have received money or other benefits funded by the current and future enslavement of your friends and neighbors by a government that steals from them with threat of violence in order to give to you.

Welcome to the era of Generation Slave.

We've been enslaved by our predecessors and peers who prefer to use violence legitimized by government instead of hard work to get what they want. How will we react? How long will we remain slaves?

In this blog I'll comment on current events and timeless principles related to the enslavement of current and future generations.

This is founded on principles of liberty and morality based on the idea that violence is only moral as a response to aggressive force, and is an immoral solution to other problems. Aside from morality (behavior that results in peaceful and effective human relations), pragmatically violence is an effective solution to only a small class of issues, and the rest are far better solved by voluntary interactions between individuals who are responsible for themselves and their actions.

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